People go through second marriage when their spouses are dead or they filed for a divorce. Second marriage is all about second chances. Therefore, It is quite crucial to look for a life partner who will understand you, make you happy and won’t interfere with your peace of mind. Hence, you will require to put your expectations on the table while mentioning all your traits, behavior and choices. You can do that with the help of a biodata. It is the first document which is shared between parties when marriage proposal is sent. If Biodata is perfectly drafted, your dream partner will come looking for you.

Second Marriage: Is it accepted in our Society?

Few years back divorced brides and grooms would have to compromise for many qualities in their partner for the sole reason that they are having second marriage. Only rich males were able to find bride for second time easily as they were financially secured and middle-class families would convince their daughters to go for this marriage as dowry will be very less. However, widows were not allowed to remarry and divorcee females were frowned upon.

Nowadays, females have become self-reliant and are no longer dependent on males for their livelihood. So, if they are not happy with their life partner, they don’t compromise and tend to get divorce. They are very particular about their happiness and peace of mind. This is one of the reasons why number of divorces are increasing day by day and therefore, second marriages are being accepted these days.

Though, people are accepting second marriages but divorced people are marrying divorced people only. Families are still skeptical about a person who is never married to marry a divorcee. Maybe, in future this thing will also be accepted. Now, if you are seeking a life partner for second marriage, then you must search for the right person. Create a biodata for second marriage which contains all your expectations about your desired life partner while mentioning all your traits in very clear way. Clearly, first marriage was a bitter experience. So, the people looking for second marriage are very conscious about their expectations. Hiding anything about your personality might rig your second marriage as well. It is vital to mention all the details in the matrimonial biodata.

What makes second marriage more complicated?

If divorced person has a child with previous marriage, then in this case second marriage becomes a little complicated as there will be extra responsibility of child. The person having child also looks for a childless partner. In these cases, the expectations of both partners should be kept in mind. If biodata for marriage reflects this point then it would become easy for another person to decide and if its hidden, this might become an obstacle in good second marriage. One might find a partner who is willing to accept your child but you need to be open about it from day one.

Moreover, one crucial point that every divorced person going for second marriage must keep in mind is that he or she should not be very defensive about the role of yourself in dissolving of first marriage. It is a fact that a marriage can not work if two people are not willing or putting efforts to make it work. You should take out the best from first marriage and avoid doing same mistakes in the second marriage. In fact, those points should be your clue to find second life partner.


Second marriages are happening and people are going through it with ease. The important things to keep in mind is how to express your expectations and find the partner who will make your life worth living. You can do that by creating a second marriage biodata having details about your personality and mentioning your expectations of your life partner at the same time. Your approach should be realistic and you shouldn’t be defensive about your divorce.